Until My Heart Stops Beating Read online

Page 4

  “I am really sorry. I don’t know what came over me. Please come back and let me make it up to you.”

  “It’s fine Makeba.” He resumed walking.

  “No it’s not,”’ she replied as she ran in front of him blocking his path.

  Taking a deep breath he looked deep into her eyes. “There’s only one way you can make it up to me.”

  Raising her eyebrows she asked, “How?”

  “Go out with me.”

  Of all the nerve. Holding her head to the side while folding her arms over her chest, she glared at him. “I don’t even know you.”

  “That’s is precisely why I’m asking you out.”

  Her nostrils flared as her temper rose. “Mr. whatever your name is, have a good day.” She walked away heading back to the store.


  Waving her hand in the air, she kept walking until she reached her destination. Makeba returned to her station furious, even more so when she saw Declan entering the restaurant heading to the bar area. Her first thought was to tell him there was a few more minutes left before she could serve him but after glancing at her watch that idea went out the window. In fact, she was a few minutes late opening the bar.

  Sighing, she laid a beverage napkin down in front of him. “What can I get for you?”

  He chuckled as he glanced at her. ‘I already made my desire clear.”

  “And what was that?” This time she did not hide her attitude.

  “C’mon, go out with me.”

  Leaning in closer, she lowered her elbows down on the bar and eyed him. “You think because you sent me some flowers I owe you a something in return?”

  “Not at all. It’s apparently clear that it will take a lot more than flowers to win you over.”

  “You damn right it will. Now what can I get for you.”

  “For now I’ll take a Corona with a twist of lime.”

  “One Corona coming up,” she snapped.

  Makeba grabbed a bottle of Corona from the beverage cooler, popped off the top, squeezed a sliced lime stuffing it inside the bottle and sat it on top of his napkin in front of him.”

  “Thank you.”

  Rolling her eyes, she approached the register and printed him an open check without giving him the courtesy of a response.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Yes.” She was hoping she was not going to regret her answer.

  “Have you ever dated outside your race.’

  Regretting it already,” she thought. “No.”

  “That’s it isn’t it?”


  “It’s because I’m white.”

  Offended by his accusations, she glared at him. “That is not it at all.”

  “The look on your face tells me I hit a nerve.”


  “Declan,” he corrected cutting her off.

  “Declan,” she managed through clenched teeth. “Race has nothing to do with it.”

  “Prove it. Go out with me.”

  Frowning as she held her head sideways, “You’ve seen me what, twice?”

  “What does that have to do with anything? A man doesn’t have to see a women a hundred times to know if he wants to spend time with her. Sometimes all it takes is one time.”

  “Don’t you have somewhere to go?”

  “That’s where I was going until you stopped me.”

  “I wanted to apologize, not have you come back and aggravate me.”

  He chuckled.

  “Oh that’s what you call what I’m doing?”

  “You have another name for it?”

  “I call it going after what or rather whom my heart desires.”

  “I can’t,” she replied shaking her head as she walked off to service another customer.

  The bar was getting crowded but that didn’t stop Declan from attempting to take her away from other customers. The moment she filled their orders he’d motion for her to come down to the other end of the bar to him. It was really annoying her and her customers because she was not able to give them the attention they deserved. Declan needed to leave immediately and she told him so, but the only way he was willing to oblige her was for her to promise she’d go out with him for lattes. Declining her offer, he made it clear it was not coffee he wanted but dinner. Compromising was not one of her strongest suits and she did not hesitate to make that clear to him. It was a coffee date or no date at all. Realizing that this could very well be his one and only opportunity to spend time with her, he agreed. And since she worked Monday through Friday the date was set for Saturday afternoon. Once they exchanged numbers Declan left and Makeba breathed a sigh of relief as her nerves subsided affording her the ability to provide the best service possible to her remaining customers.

  Over the next several days, Declan had been the subject of break-time conversations. Even Nick was taking an interest in Makeba’s date with Declan. She didn’t see what all the fuss was about. He was just a man to her but to them he was a prospect, a potential mate for a friend who hadn’t had the best of luck in the dating game. Unfortunately, she couldn’t see past a large caramel latte and chocolate hazelnut biscotti. For her, this was going to be a onetime thing and one time only.


  Makeba tossed and turned all night. Unable to find comfort, she sat up in the middle of the bed squinting at the intense rays of the sun shining through her windows, blinding her. The light and heat was so intense her room felt like a sauna. Rising from the bed with the intent to lower the shades in an effort to block the brightness of the sun, she changed her mind, after glancing out at the clear blue sky and watching the leaves dance on the tree branches as a soft breeze blew.

  It was such a beautiful day, one that made you want to lie on the grass in the park and read a good romance novel. Had she not had plans today that’s exactly what she would have done. Opening the window letting fresh air circulate throughout the room, she sat on the bench that was placed directly under the window and continued to gaze out at the beauty of a wondrous morning as thoughts of her afternoon outing played over in her mind. The thought of meeting up with Declan caused flutters in her stomach. As bad as she hated the idea of going out with him she refused to cancel knowing that’s what he and everyone else expected her to do. Surprised that he hadn’t called since they exchanged numbers, she figured that maybe he would be the one with the change of heart and that would be okay by her.

  Just as she began making alternate plans, her phone rang. The queasy feeling in her stomach was a forewarning for who was on the other end of the call. Without looking at the screen, she knew who it was already. Sighing, she answered. As she thought, it was Declan confirming their date and the time. When he insisted on picking her up, she refused but he wouldn’t have it any other way. Reluctantly, she gave him her address then ended the call. Plopping down on her bed, she wondered what in the world she had gotten herself into.

  Time was getting away from her and she didn’t want to be late. After taking a quick shower, she scurried over to the closet, pulling out a pair of khaki capris, a one shoulder bone blouse and her neutral wedged heels that tied around the ankle. As always she felt sexy in those shoes. Looking in the mirror, she brushed her hair to the side placing a flower clip on the right. Wanting to keep her makeup to a minimum, she applied brown lip liner, a little lip gloss and light natural colors eye shadow. Glancing at herself in the mirror one last time, pleased by the reflection staring back at her, she smiled. Not long afterwards the doorbell rang. Running over to the window, sticking her head out, she noticed a black town car double parked in front of the house with the driver dressed in all black standing on the passenger side. Quickly snatching her purse off the nightstand, she hurried out the room and down the stairs. With her heart beating a mile a minute, she observed the expression on her dad’s face as Declan introduced himself to Mr. Jones and informed him that he was there to pick up Makeba. He eyed her inquisitively but before he could say anything, s
he kissed him on the cheek hurrying out the door.

  “I’ll see you later dad.”

  Quickly, she descended the steps rushing to the car as Declan followed close behind her.

  “Nice to meet you,” he yelled looking back over his shoulders.

  There was no response, just the closing of the front door cutting off his visual of Mr. Jones.

  Greeting her, the driver held the door open for them to get in the car. After closing the door he rushed around to the driver’s side, got in and pulled off into traffic.

  Smiling, Declan turned to her. “You look amazing.”

  Returning his smile she said, “Thank you.”

  Realizing they were getting on the Garden State Parkway Makeba glared at him, “Where are we going?”

  “On our coffee date.”

  “You couldn’t find any place local? There’s countless café’s in Newark.”

  He reached for her hand but she snatched it away. “You didn’t put any restrictions on the place. It’s a beautiful day so I figured we could visit New York City.”

  “I agreed to have a cup of coffee with you. That’s all.”

  “I know- please don’t be upset with me but it’s a beautiful day and I figured what better day to take on Manhattan than today. I promise to be the perfect gentleman. Let me show you a good time and if at the end of the day you feel as though you never want to see me again, I will be sure to keep my distance.”


  “Really,” praying that wouldn’t be the case.

  Once he was confident she was relaxed, he engaged her in conversation. Inquiring about her likes and dislikes. He learned a lot about Ms. Makeba Jones. Surprisingly, there was a lot she hadn’t done that she wanted to do like attending a Broadway play, an opera and traveling to Paris, France. He kind of felt sorry for her. Of all the things there were to see and experience in the world, she had not experienced anything much.

  Immediately, he pulled out his phone. Connecting to the internet and pulling up Ticketmaster’s website, he checked to see what was playing on Broadway. There was a 2:00 pm showing of Wicked with matinée tickets still available. The show had been given rave reviews since opening night.

  “Driver, take us to the Gershwin Theater.”

  “Yes sir,” he replied looking through the rearview mirror.

  Makeba frowned glancing at him.

  “Trust me,” he said.

  “How can I do that? I hardly even know you.”

  “This is our opportunity to change that.”

  Leaning her head back and closing her eyes, she decided to make the best out of the hand being dealt. After today she wouldn’t have to worry about him anymore anyway.

  Determined to have a miserable time, Makeba walked into the theatre unenthusiastically. Arriving at their seats, Declan waited for her to be seated then followed suit. Glancing at her from the corner of his eye, he smiled at her child like behavior, knowing very well her mood would change the moment the show began. Broadway theatre had a magical effect on people and she wouldn’t be any different.

  As he had expected a joyful noise escaped her mouth and a wide smile spread across her face. Applauding, she stood to her feet once the show stopped for a fifteen minute intermission. Elated by her excitement, Declan guffawed, relishing in the glow of her exhilaration.

  “Thank you so much for such a wonderful experience.” She returned to her seat.

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

  “Yes I am.”

  “How about a beverage or something to snack on while we wait?”

  “Sure, a sprite would be nice.”

  “I’ll be right back.” He rose from his seat hoping to return with drinks in hand before the end of intermission.

  Looking around Makeba wondered what was taking Declan so long to return to his seat. The show was due to resume in less than five minutes. The lights dimmed as she continued surveying the theatre, still no sign of Declan. The curtains opened and she gave the performer on the stage her undivided attention. A few minutes later Declan returned handing her a drink along with a bag from the Ozdust Boutique, a shop inside the theatre which sold apparel, souvenirs, and music from the show. Thanking him, she accepted the drink and the bag as she turned her attention back to the show.

  Tears streamed down her face at the final scene when Glenda, the good witch soared away on her bubble mourning the loss of her good friend, Elphaba, whose death was a ruse to fool her enemies. Both women, one at odds with one another, became good friends only to have to say goodbye to one another forever. The entire theatre erupted in a standing ovation at the conclusion of the final scene.

  After all the hustle and bustle of trying to leave the theatre, Makeba and Declan finally made it to the exit. Once outside she thanked him once again for making one of her dreams a reality. They strutted down the street as misty rain fell from the sky soaking up the pavement, they didn’t mind at all as they enthusiastically discussed the highlights of the show.

  “Are you hungry?”

  Glancing up at him she replied, “I could eat.”

  “Good. I know a great restaurant not too far from here where we can enjoy the soulful sounds of jazz while we’re eating.”

  “I’d love that very much.”

  He smiled. “Then let’s go.”

  They walked and continued their discussion about the play. Declan came to a sudden halt when he saw an artist sketching another couple. His work was astounding, almost lifelike. Patiently, he waited until the artist was finished with the patrons before him.

  Once he was done and received payment for his work, he turned to Declan. “Would you like a portrait of the two of you?”

  “No, but I would love one of the beautiful lady if she doesn’t mind posing for one.”

  Thinking it over for a few minutes, she came to the conclusion that it wouldn’t hurt none. Besides, it would be a thank you gift for the fabulous outing. “Why not,” she said as she sat on the stool. Realizing she still had the bag in her hand he had given her inside the theatre, she opened it up pulling out its contents. Her eyes filled with tears as she held up an ornament which read “As Long As You Are Mine”. It depicted one of the greatest scenes of the show between Elphaba and Fiyero which included a sound clip of them singing a song with the same title. She pressed the button and listened to the clip as one tear rolled down her cheek. Unbeknownst to her, the artist captured every detail of that moment, a moment Declan would always remember.

  Wiping away the tear, she put the ornament back in the bag and handed it to Declan. She looked at the artist. “Are you ready?”

  “For what?” He smiled holding up the complete project. “We’re done.”

  Grabbing the picture, she scrutinized it. He had captured everything she was feeling at the moment she pulled her gift out the bag. The lone tear traveling down her cheek, the facial expression, and the flower on the right side of her hair. Every line in her face was captured by this man who paid great attention to details. Speechless, she rose from the stool placing her hand over her chest. There was nothing she could say to show her gratitude for such an amazing piece of art so she hugged him tight.

  Finally, finding her voice, she whispered, “Thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome,” the artist replied.

  Declan reached into his pocket to retrieve cash to the pay for his artwork. The artist refused his cash. “Sir, watching the expression and appreciation on this woman’s face because of something I did was all the payment I need. You can’t put a monetary value on that. She’s special mister. Simple things make her happy. She’s a keeper.”

  Smiling, Makeba hugged him again. Looking into his eyes she said, “I hope you don’t mind if I pay it forward?”

  He laughed. “Not at all ma’am.”

  Turning to Declan, she handed him the picture. “Thank you.”

  “But I was buying that for you.”

  “Now you don’t have to. Keep this as a r
eminder of how the littlest things can mean so much.”

  “Thank you.”

  They waved at the artist and walked away.


  Their date only got better as the night went on. They enjoyed the Iridium Jazz Club where they danced and dined to the sounds of live jazz. After spending almost three hours at this establishment they decided to leave and stroll the streets of New York City. Still the misty rain was coming down but it did nothing to damper their mood. They continued to enjoy the sights of the city that never sleeps. Lining the sidewalks were entertainment of all kinds; people making music with household gadgets, dancers spinning on wet cardboard, palm readers, singers and then they stopped to listen to a violinist. The music was soft and romantic.

  Declan reached for Makeba’s hands as they swayed in sync to the sounds of the music which filled the atmosphere. Dancing under the city lights in the middle of Manhattan while misty water spritzed their skin, was the most adoring experience either of them had ever had. Neither could explain their behavior, neither wanted too. They continued to dance as if the world wasn’t watching, as if there weren’t hundreds of people lining the streets of the entertainment capital of the world..

  Eventually the music ceased. Opening their eyes, they blushed as they realized they were on display. People clapped and cheered at the conclusion of their dance. Declan dropped a twenty dollar bill in the bucket of the violinist before grabbing Makeba’s hand and walking off.

  “Where to now?”

  He chuckled. “First, I want to stop at that store over there.”

  Makeba looked in the direction he was pointing. It was a variety store that had an array of flowers on the outside. Pulling her by the hand as they ran across the street to beat the traffic, he sent Makeba in the store to purchase a soft drink. While she was inside, Declan approached the vendor on the outside and asked for a floral arrangement for his beautiful date. The vendor asked if there was anything in particular he’d prefer. Declan informed him that he trusted him to come up with something to his satisfaction and he did. A little while later when Makeba exited the store Declan met her at the entrance with the bouquet of flowers in his extended hand. Smiling, she accepted the flowers as she descended the two steps to the ground.